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Middle Ages: 

Originally the seat of the Stolpe branch of the von Schwerin family from the early 13th century.

16th Century: 

The main structure was built by Otto von Schwerin in the late 16th century as a Renaissance building.

17th Century: 

Rebuilt in Baroque style between 1690 and 1700 by Erdmann von Schwerin.


19th to 21th Century: 

1895: Returned to the von Schwerin family, major renovations by Friedrich Graf von Schwerin to give it a historicist style with additional towers and an arcade.



Suffered damage and partial demolition; used for various purposes including a guesthouse and youth camp during the DDR period.


Modern Restoration:
1990s: The building was in disrepair and ownership passed to the community of Stolpe.
2000s: Significant restoration efforts began, including the rebuilding of towers and refurbishment of interiors.
Present Use: Includes holiday apartments, cultural events, and an exhibition on its history.


Completed design of the castle's garden side around 1900 
with a hall extension

 hauptfrontMain front with towers, arcade and extension building to the 
west (demolished in 1949)

 zustand1976_341x179State of the castle in 1976: From a communist-ideological 
point of view, the building should be denied the appearance 
of a castle

 UWB-4-Berge-_341x245Threatened with decay, southeast view in 1989


 Bild Schloss Test Today: On its way to new splendour





Schloss Stolpe

Am Schloss 9
17406 Stolpe auf Usedom






Vom 28.03.24 bis zum 03.11.24 

Dienstag - Sonntag und an Feiertagen:

11.00-17.00 Uhr



Sparkasse Vorpommern

IBAN DE82 1505 0500 0333 0013 46